Friday, September 6, 2013

Inanna’s Lover’s Blessing

Inanna we stand before You
Lovers through and Through
Seeking to know and to Do

With you we seek to Join
Our Love being the fruits of your Loin
Male and Female two halves of the same Coin

My one, (Her/His) One and your One is Three
Let your Blessings flow over We
Entering into your power, like a warm Sea

Much of this world is filled with dark evil Crap
Reality can always render a cruel Slap
Love is how we escape this Trap

Honor our Love this Night
For each other we will always Fight
Knowing that this is eternally Right

We ask you to always bless this Love
Which we will treat as gently as a Dove
So please shower it with the lights from Above

People that reject your Love are Fools
Honest Lovers are your Tools
We seek to follow you and create our own Rules

So hear us this Night
And Bless us with Delight
For you and Love we will always Fight

In the end there is nothing Stronger
No Love could last Longer
My mate I will forever Honor

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