Monday, November 4, 2013

Axe Versus Sickle, fate of a City in the Middle

This Jack Serial began 9/30/13

As Phillip advanced with his cutlass, Jack drew twin hand axes out of his jacket. 

“You’ll never even reach us, putrid Stalwarts,” The lead Gloom yelled. “Give them the Flesh To Mists!”


Jack knew what that meant and clenched his muscles in preparation for the incoming pain. All three on his side hammered him with their Bestow. Phillip looked like he fought of the effects of one attack, but something both Dionysus and Yig followers had in common was their mystically enhanced protection from damage. They could still be killed by most attacks, but it took a lot of damage before they started to feel it.

The Bestows crashed into him. First his jacket, then his clothes, and then his flesh began to drift away before his eyes. Both leather and skin became a fine mist and left holes in his clothes and body. The effects proved painful enough that Jack cried out, but this didn’t stop him from leaping into the Glooms.


The hatchet in his left hand blocked a swung sickle from that direction, but his right weapon arced down and split the skull of the center Gloom. He tumbled back with a wet grunt, but also took Jack’s axe with him. The third Gloom charged him with a roar, but a kick to the man’s stomach send it smashing back into Phillip’s pickup. 

The one to his left swung his rusty, hard iron, sickle again, and once again the Stalwart was able to block it with his remaining axe. With a growl, Jack balled his right hand into a fist and smashed the Gloom in the center of the face. An exploding nose left the man’s cheek’s as red as its glowing eyes.

This stunned the Gloom enough that Jack was able to grab the Xemmoni and toss him into his ally right as he ran toward Jack’s back. They both went down in a tumble of ratty robes and pale, fish belly, skin. Jack fell on them like an uncaged savage. His axe flew in blood drenched arcs. He didn’t look at what he hit, but just focused on hacking as hard and fast as possible.


Soon the Glooms under him wailed in agony. One hit him with another Flesh to Mist spell and he drew back with a curse. The Gloom regained his feet, his red eyes glared hatred. It looked like his fellow Gloom wouldn’t be joining him in the attack or anything else… ever.

“Filth ridden, Stalwart. Too stupid to run while you could. Too stupid to know what’s happening here and what it will mean for all of you. Once we control Boston we’ll finally be able to-”

Decapitation ended his oratory and Phillip blood smeared smile was visible once the Gloom collapsed.

“You know he was telling me why they wanted Boston, just then.”
Phillip rubbed the back of his neck. “opps, sorry.”

Jack sighed. “Why would they give us until sunset to leave and then attack us at three in the afternoon?”

“I’m not sure. Xemmoni aren’t well known for keeping their word.”

“I think it’s something more than that. Too stupid to know what it will mean for all of you, he said. Who’s all of you?”

“Stalwarts I guess,” Phillip said.

“I’m not so sure. And once we control Boston we’ll be able to… sounds like they have a goal that goes far beyond just having the ownership of America’s oldest city.”

“Well,” Phillip started, “whatever is happening it doesn’t change the facts that all the Xemmoni will be hunting us and now they aren’t even waiting until sunset before they start. None of the other Stalwarts have agreed to help us. We’re in serious life ending trouble.”

Jack tore off the ruined arms of his leather jacket and tossed them into the back of the pick up. “No matter what, we need any help we can get, so who’s next on our list?”

“Blaze wanted to meet at a coffee shop not too far away from here. Coffee shop,” he tiffed. “Some people.”


To be continued next Monday


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