Saturday, February 1, 2014

Zombie Apocalypse Day One

Rollie remained uncertain as the woman who’d been dragged onto the sidewalk burst into a high pitched scream, which competed with the giant bouncer who already missed bitefuls of his arm.
“What the hell’s going on?” Will yelled, as he tried to pull the man in the blood splattered suit away from Diamond.

At the door
At the door

The other bouncer, Jack, took a more direct path and smashed the man straight in the face with the heel of his boot. This knocked the psycho away from the bleeding black bouncer, but the man in the suit still wouldn’t stay down.
But Rollie became distracted by Sammy’s yells for help. While the three men stayed busy with the freak in the suit, this new madman had already all but killed the woman on the sidewalk. Her friend hit the prone man with a wooden chair, but it didn’t keep him from drawing another mouthful of flesh away from the screaming woman’s face. Rollie winced, but ran toward the conflict.
As he passed Sammy, he yelled, “What about the cops?”
“I can’t get through. The lines are busy!” She yelled.
“Isn’t that supposed to be impossible?” he said, but then had more immediate problems. The woman with the chair hadn’t been able to accomplish much other than get the flesh craving murderer’s attention and the blood soaked man, lurched to his feet and stumbled toward her. The woman let out a scream and fled.
With a moan, the killer’s eyes moved, locked onto Sammy, and he headed her way.

He's coming for you
He’s coming for you

“Sammy, run. Lock the doors, but let us in when we’re ready, please.” She nodded and took off.
The murderer’s clumsy body had been slowed by climbing over the small wall that separated the courtyard from the street and Rollie wondered if some sort of drug could have fried their brains or maybe it was a chemical spill. Soon, however, such speculation got dismissed, for the man’s milky eyes locked onto Rollie’s and it headed his way.
“Son of a… Now what the hell am I going to do?”
Looking around for a weapon didn’t help much, but a few potted plants decorated the area and a large circular serving tray lay on the waitress bar. He picked up a large potted plant. “I hate to do this—oh screw it. You just ate a lady’s face.” The plant went flying, but Rollie had never been much of an athlete and it only clipped the guy’s shoulder. The second one landed in the center of the bastard’s chest and sent him sprawling, but he didn’t remain down long. With a groan, it came after him. Rollie could also hear more screams echoing in the strip mall past the restaurant and wondered how many people might be going mad.

Zombie Mailman
Zombie Mailman

The crazed man rushed at him and Rollie had just enough time to pick up the serving tray and hold it before him like some sort of third rate shield. The man’s face was coated in blood and it glared and snapped at him over the tray. It fought against him with an insane fury. Rollie started to whimper as he was pushed back against the outer wall of Scallywags.
Suddenly the man was pulled away from him and flung over a table. Will looked over at him, “Quit fooling around.”
“Fooling around…” he stuttered. “I was trying-”
“Just come on!” Jack shouted. “Whatever the hell they are, there seems to be more.” Jack helped his wounded co-worker, while his other hands fumbled for his keys.
Looking back over his shoulder, Rollie saw two things. The first was the man in the suit, who no longer moved. His blood froze and he hoped that Will hadn’t helped kill someone. But the second was what appeared to be another three figures stumbling and moaning like the man before him who had already regained his footing.

Wet Zombie
Wet Zombie

“Come on, buddy,” Will said, guiding him toward the door into Scallywags, “I know you have a big heart, but I think these people just want to eat it.”
Jack was still fumbling for his keys when Sammy opened the door. A moment later the four men had rushed inside.

Check in every Saturday for a new chapter in the Eternal Aftermath!

Insane Haeds

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