Sunday, October 20, 2013

Dionysus Joy

People of Dionysus search out the Joy
Even if that is what other seek to always Destroy

Yes, it is fun to accomplish and Strive
But if we do not to find Joy why we are really Alive

So please join us now in the day or the Dark
And let Joy find you and leave its positive Mark

Sure we want to accomplish and get things Done
But only so we can enjoy our Fun

Some much bullshit attacks us each Day
We are victims of the Discordic Sway

But we want to take that Chaos and make it our Friend
Ride the maelstrom until the End

So Dionysus bless us this Night
For we know that embracing Joy is always Right

In the end there is no other task for Man
For making people smile when they take Joy’s Hand

So great Baccus listen to Me
Help me find Joy and set my soul Free

Dionysus Joy

Learn more abut Heroes that strive for Humanity and fight the villains that would Destroy it Here!

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