Friday, October 11, 2013

Dionysus Ale

There is a way for men to Play
Some of us do it every Day
Beer, Mead, Porter, Stout, and Ale
Next to these all other drinks Pale

Beer is proof that you love Us
Help us journey into your Beloved Forest

For Dionysus it is you that we Seek
With your help we can reach our own personal Super-Freak

Ale separates us from the hassles of normal Work
Let us change our mood so we do not feel like a Jerk

I become one with you, when the Alex becomes one with Me
I open my mind and feel Free

So Dionysus we walk with you this Night
You essence helps drown us with Delight

You help us Release
But also keep us more than just another Beast

So tonight we raise our drinks on High
Knowing that ale is one thing that will never Lie

Dionysus Ale

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