Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Dionysus Rela

There are so many things in this world that can Tax
That is why it is important to be able to Relax

But when our face is being ground into the Grate
It is hard to reach that higher State

This is why Dionysus, we come to You
For we love you through and Through

Help as release ourselves from our worldly Woes
Remove us from trauma’s Throws

We seek a higher Place
Even if we are still part of this Human’s Race

So help me toss it all Away
And have at least some joy every Day

For without Joy is there a reason to Exist
Without slowing down think of all we might Miss

Relaxation is the opposite of Stress
And our best way to reverse this Mess

So Dionysus hear is this Night
For we seek to Bask in your Delight

dionysus Relax

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