Friday, October 18, 2013

Dionysus Party

There is always so much that we should Do
That sometimes it gets away from You

Instead of banging your head against a Wall
Go out, mingle, and stand Tall

Let’s face it, we kick ass and are cool beyond Belief
Why should we belittle ourselves and drown in Grief

Sometimes we just need to Show Off
It is then that we party and get Rough

Get out and join the Party
Promote the Me

There are times when all we need is Fun
And we aren’t the only One

So now we head off into the Night
Protect us Dionysus may we never leave your Sight

Protect us as we do your Work
And spreading your word we will never Shirk

Party we enter into you Now
And hope we make it safety back home just saying Wow

Dionsus Party

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