Thursday, October 24, 2013

Hecate Charisma Spell

The ways of Chaos and Magick are Great
We seek to mold others so they will aid us in reaching our true Fate

For in the world of competition and Vice
Humans swarm over everything like maggoty Lice

As Wizards we seek to raise above the Others
Yet in a way that will trick them so they think that we are Brothers

Homo-superior is what we Are
And against the rest we do War

We seek to protect this world before the End
Aid stone, animal, and Friend

Yet we need not fight Fair
No we will Manipulate and Coerce with Flair

Like Micaville we plan and Plot
Also trying to better our Lot

So Hecate shine your Power down on us this Night
Let you servants bask in your Sight

Aid us to become stronger and Proceed
Let Magick and Joy triumph over Greed

Enable us, Making us Stronger
And we will be more powerful Servants Forever and Longer

Tri-Partite Goddess

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