Thursday, May 16, 2013

Dionysus CHAOS

Dionysus Yes I See
Let the Chaos flow in and out of Me

We seek the Entropy with the Unknown Voice
Let our Will continually Follow the right Choice

One Choice leads to Another
Until the Hills reverberate with Thunder

We Wish to Ride the Chaos for it is our Ship
The Bullshit of Life we wish to Slip

Above as Below
Constantly fueled with an Ability to GO

You are our Mentor in the ways of the Night
Together we Bask in the Delight

As 1 As 8 As 9
As a whole we whirl into the Divine

Let us journey to the Borders of the Abyss
No aspect of Life do we have to Miss

The Wheel of Life, the Chaos that Create
Oh Gosh and Golly we think you are Great

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