Collapsing Shack, AZ—This is some serious
breaking news: now
that this distracting election is over, it’s time to push aside useless
labels like Tea Bagger, Bleeding Heart Liberal, Limp-Wristed Cow-Kissing
Independent, or Humanitarian Sheep-Humping Dingleberry. None of these
things matter in the face of the 100 Angry Men and their lacky, nay,
their leader, nay, their Supreme Allied Commander…Al Gore.
Sometimes the Discord actually breaks news instead of merely breaking
news into ‘tiny shards of sensationalism’. Google won’t verify
anything I’m about to say, because they’re in on the conspiracy. Google
has been manipulated by these angry men, also known as the mysterious
Men In Green (MIG). Only a small underground knows the truth. Through a
mixture of ill luck, Odysseusian exhaustion, and booze, I found myself a
participant in a plot that will surely shake the very core of human
The other night one of these Men In Green ended up at The Green Room,
my favorite bar. I don’t know what they were looking for there, but
what they found was some awesome drink specials and yours truly—a
combination that would prove their undoing. I will tell you what I
know. If I disappear, they got to me…or, I got drunk. I’m sure it’ll
be one of the two. These MIGs have no country, but move throughout the
world like shadows and, no, they don’t get felt up at airports; lucky
I got two of these MIG dudes drunk back at The Green Room and while
they were in the can I accessed one of their laptops. Apparently, these
men control the wealth of the world and their word can change nations
or economies overnight, to say nothing of extending all happy hours
indefinitely! So why was I buying all the beer? Geesh, in retrospect,
it’s a shame I spent most of the time logging into their Facebook pages
to have all their friends befriend Jack Primus and The Daily Discord.
Hindsight is always 20/20, or in my case, a beer goggly 30/40.
I learned a lot perusing their files; suddenly everything made sense. Do you really think we elected Bush
It’s the game beneath the game. Gore never wanted the presidency and
then maneuvered Bush into a second term. This was all part of the
plan. This group even allowed Fox lies to keep the ’04 election close
enough so we wouldn’t suspect any foul play. These Men In Green
currently hate everyone except commies. These guys love commies. As they
swerved away into the night their bumper sticker read:
Pinko is the New Green.
I just heard something outside the window? I hope it’s just the
Ghetto Shaman trying to get me to buy him some more Robitussin.
Otherwise, they’re onto me. I just hope I have enough time to send this
off, finish this twelve-pack, and eat those last few slices of pizza
from last night. Damn, that was a good spicy Hawaiian…

I almost forgot to put on my aluminum foil hat! There, that should
block their transmission for the few more minutes I’ll need. They
aren’t settling for just sucking the world’s resources dry, like some
Bond villain. These fiends believe the world is overpopulated so they
mean to cull the herd! That’s where Al Gore comes in. He is their
leader in the guise of an affable fool. Their most treasured secret is
this: Al Gore’s world shattering H.A.R.P.! You think Al Gore is against
Global Warming, hah! That’s nothing but another clever ruse. According
to these Men In Green, Al Gore has a dreadful harp-like machine and when
he plays this Human Apocalyptic Reprogramming Per-whatsas
(H.A.R.P.)…well, lean in closer. It actually
causes global warming!
Why are they trying to kill us? That’s the creepy part. The truth is this:
they like fluffy little animals better. They think humans are all wicked and unredeemable. Sure, it’s true, but it’s still not a nice thing to say.
I heard something again. I had better attach and send this document to
Pierce Winslow before they set off another electro-magnetic pulse.
Shit…get another slice of pizza or warn mankind? Damn you saucy
pineappley yumminess!
So we have nothing to look forward to, other than these 100 Angry Men
stealing as much money as they can and then destroying the world.
They’ll leave our planet a Road Warrior wasteland while they move into
their mansions in Antarctica, party with Gwar, and laugh as the rest of
the world becomes a lifeless desert. Worse yet, they don’t seem to buy
any rounds of alcohol despite almost C. Montgomery Burns levels of
I’d like to quote the Lord Humungus, “What a puny plan!” but I hear
they are already booking flights to the South Pole. They left Al Gore
in the center of a hidden Tobacco patch, plucking away on his malign
H.A.R.P. from Hell. I emailed the above picture from their laptop to
myself and then onward to The Daily Discord. Do you think they’ll check
their sent mail? Damn. I think they’re in the house now.
Still don’t believe me? Well, I don’t give a pluck what you think.
You’ll be playing a different tune when the oceans roll over the cities
and the forests turn to dust
. Don’t come running to me when that
doomsday H.A.R.P plays its final stanza as our fingers grasp through the
burning sands in the hopes of unearthing some old sandwiches or the
warm beer of a dead world.
And always remember, It Could Happen to Harpo!
For more of my writing go here!
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